est. 2012
Company Passage
Joshua 1:9 NIV | "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Our Mission
To organize the highest quality and most thoughtful ultra triathlons in the world.
Our Vision
To reinforce the endless pursuit of self-realization.
Our Core Beliefs
1. Let God Lead - Read Gods word daily, pray and seek His will in your work.
2. Born To Be Different - Conforming to the ways of the world will produce worldly results.
3. Set Big, Audacious Goals - If your goal doesn't scare you, it's not big enough.
4. Prioritize Your People - Prioritize space and time for the people you love most in your life.
5. Plan For Success - A goal without a detailed plan will never be accomplished.
6. Finish What You Start - Complete your daily tasks with diligence, integrity and reason.
7. Take Care Of Yourself - Find rest in the things that bring you joy.
8. Keep A Humble Heart - Celebrate your success with the team around you.
Our Story
Mammoth exists to help people. The events are our second priority and dare I even say simply the tool we use to connect people and build relationships with one-another. I believe if we can create a world class racing experience for a small amount of people we can open up the door for folks to connect on a incredibly deep level while struggling out on the race course, in the village area and out at a run turnaround volunteering together. Everything about our races is tough - the planning, the racing, the crewing and volunteering. Nothing about our business is normal and we like it that way. Good things come from tough situations.
Don't quit when it gets tough & for the love of yourself, finish what you start.
OUR ORIGINS: A Honest Look Into Why We Exist
In 2012, I was given the opportunity to quit my job selling running shoes at a local shop in Wisconsin and take over my families events business which at the time consisted of about 12 races ranging rom 5k's, short distance tri's and a few duathlons. Over the next several years we learned the family business and quickly scaled it into one of the largest event production companies in the midwest. We owned and operated the largest winter running series in the country and hosted dozens of other road races, triathlons, trail events and duathlons. In the spring of 2016 we dipped our toes into event management and quickly found ourselves managing an additional 20+ races a year brining our race count to upwards of around 60 races a year. We managed events with thousands of runners to hundreds of runners. Safety Management, Timing and Scoring, Equipment Rental, Race Setup, Planning and Logistics, Race Director Consulting, etc... You name it, we did it. Our team was crushing it. We were growing rapidly and successfully managing more events than I can remember.
Then, it all became too much. After having our first child, consistently working 100 hour weeks and traveling far too much - I imploded. My stress levels were through the roof, my health was in rough shape, I was missing out on things I wanted to see with my family. We had built a successful events business and the countless hours of work now seemed meaningless as I watched life pass me by while I sat behind a desk in the office. I loved my team, we were helping so many people in different ways and we had earned a reputation I was extremely proud of. My family and my faith will always be my top priorities in my life - both were in rough shape. So, my wife and I made one of the toughest decisions we've ever had to make - it was time to sell the business that we had poured everything into. We needed to find another way to make ends meet. Fast forward a few months later and we had closed a deal with another powerhouse events company in the midwest. They took everything over, cleaned out the warehouse of equipment, hauled away the trailers, transferred all the files, everything we had worked so hard to build - just like that, gone.
What came next was extremely unexpected. I found myself fading and what was supposed to be a time of reconnecting and healing quickly turned into the most difficult chapter of our lives. A deep state of depression took over my life and was shortly followed by abuse of alcohol, constant health struggles and a series of pour choices. I had poured so much of myself into the race business that when it was gone, I had forgotten who I was and lost my identity. If I told you all the story, you wouldn't believe me - so we'll just skip the "fun part". Although we had sold the business, we did decide to hang onto one race, The Washington Island 36 hour Ultra. This race means so much to us, we couldn't let it go. So once a year we got to see everyone again and be in the race community as organizers. Looking back, If we hadn't hung onto that one race, I don't think Mammoth would exist as we see it today, if at all. Over the next 3 years my family and I quietly battled through an extremely intense and relentless season of "shaping and molding". Those years remain without a doubt the hardest years of our lives. People often look at our family or our marriage and tell us how much they envy what we have. Don't be fooled, we've been through hell and back and by the Grace of God somehow made it out the other side together, in love and honestly... alive.
I started running again, trails this time though (the photo at the top of this page is a drone shot of the trail system I ran everyday as I healed from and worked to dig myself out of the state I was in). I found a deep connection to the idea of running in the woods - it was quiet, I could think (or not think), I wore no watch, listened to no music. I was running fast again, I was running for me, feeling more like myself, working a job I loved (carpentry) and missing the races ever so slightly. After all we had gone through it's safe to say I was and still am VERY thoughtful on adding to our lineup and what we commit to doing as a race business. We don't go through extreme trials to forget about them and move on - we're taught priceless lessons that need to be shared. So, after much discussion with my wife we decided to bring on some help and add a few races into a new race business we were going to call Mammoth. Its focus was to put on small, meaningful races that brought people together. We started with a few short trail runs and the Washington Island 36 Hour Triathlon. It was fun again, meaningful and life-giving to us, the crew and the athletes.
In the summer of 2021 we were approached by Steve Kirby who owned USA Ultra Triathlon. He found himself on the brink of a much deserved retirement and after much thought, Steve had come to the conclusion that Maddie and I were the right people to take over his ANVIL races. I'll be honest, my initial thought on taking them over was a resounding no, absolutely not, no way. We were comfortable with our couple races a year and having fun with it. I had been to the ANVIL races before and although it was a completely unique experience and fit in perfectly with our values, our minds said no - but our hearts said yes. If you know Maddie and I closely, we pray a lot and follow what our hearts tells us even if it doesn't make sense at the time.
In October 2022, after a year of shadowing Steve at his races, meeting the crew, praying, overthinking and praying some more, we decided to add the ANVIL races to the MAMMOTH lineup and have not looked back since. We have big dreams for the sport of ultra-triathlon in the United States and across the globe. We feel extremely grateful to be given the opportunity to continue hosting meaningful events that push the limit of our physical, mental and spiritual limitations. Our team works tirelessly to achieve our larger than life goals we've set for ourselves to ensure a stable future for ultra triathlon in the United States and around the globe.
As an athlete, race director and entrepreneur, This sport has brought me to my knees and picked me up again many times over. We now find ourselves surrounded by an incredible team of people who love us for who we are and belive in our mission. Together we will create the best events possible and create opportunities for you to find whatever it is you're trying to find out there.
We're deep in that never-ending pursuit of self-realization - working hard, working quietly and working diligently to shape ourselves and our events into something that's so uncommon and incredibly uplifting that folks leave our events feeling 100% exhausted and 100% renewed. We're well on our way and with the help of God and our incredible team we'll stop at nothing until we've reached our goals.
Finish What You Start.